
French Country Fall Decorating Ideas

French Farmhouse Fall Decor from Inspiring Creatives Across the Globe spotlights the softer side of autumn. We'll delight in florals, pumpkins, rustic elegance and also autumnal tablescapes through the lens of creative stylists, decorators, and bloggers. They all know their way around earthy textures, nostalgia, and also French inspired inspiration.

Blue green fall pumpkin with hydrangea and pears on a grainsack amid golden turning leaves - A Rosy Note. Serene French Farmhouse Fall Decor Photos ahead!
Photo/Design: A Rosy Note – Serene French Farmhouse Fall Decor Photos…certainly inspiring!

This post will also give me a little boost after sharing vulnerably about loss and heartache in my last post – the vulnerability hangover is alive and well on planet Michele!

French Farmhouse Fall Decor from Inspiring Creatives Across the Globe

Fall quote about October on Hello Lovely. #autumnquotes #fallquote

Inspirational Quotes HERE to Pin Too!

Inspirational quote about growing in the dark on Hello Lovely Studio via positivelypresent. #growingquotes #strugglequotes #encouragementquotes
This thrifted DIY French country fall planter arrangement is brilliant and so elegant - Adams and Elm Home. #frenchcountry #falldecor #fallplanter #fallflorals #floralarrangements
This serene faux floral moment began with a thrifted urn…certainly a French country triumph by Adams and Elm Home.

Succulents in a Pumpkin Turned Vase

Tap here to Pin this post for future reference!

Fall centerpiece with succulents in a pumpkin -Simply Happenstance. Serene French Farmhouse Fall Decor Photos ahead!  #falltable #tablescape #centerpiece #tabletop #florals #autumn #pumpkins
Photo/Design: Simply Happenstance – Serene French Farmhouse Fall Decor Photos…certainly inspiring!
Mary Oliver quote on Hello Lovely Studio to encourage and uplift. #maryoliver #encouragementquote #naturequotes #poetry

Blue Velvet Pumpkin Centerpiece

Elegant fall centerpiece with blue and white decoupaged pumpkins and royal blue velvet pumpkins - Stone Gable. Serene French Farmhouse Fall Decor Photos ahead! #centerpiece #fall #pumpkins #tablescape #velvetpumpkins #chinoiserie
Photo/Design: Stone Gable – Serene French Farmhouse Fall Decor Photos…certainly inspiring!
Take this course HERE to sew this sweetie!
Inspirational quote by C. S. Lewis about courage on Hello Lovely Studio. Come be inspired and enjoy French Farmhouse Fall Decor from talented bloggers.
Uplifting quotes to inspire and encourage…certainly lovely indeed.

French Farmhouse Fall Apple Orchard

Oscar Wilde quote about fall on Hello Lovely. #oscarwilde #fallquotes
Peaceful, soft farmhouse still life with green mason jar, fruit, and a peely painted door - Hello Lovely Studio.

Plaid Painted Pumpkins & Blue Bliss

Blue plaid painted pumpkins in orange fallen leaves - Kelly in the City. Serene French Farmhouse Fall Decor Photos ahead! #pumpkins #DIY #plaid #buffalochecks #farmhousedecor
Photo/Design: Kelly in the City – Serene French Farmhouse Fall Decor Photos…certainly inspiring!
Gorgeous French country stone exterior with aqua blue green and climbing vines on rustic wood door - Mariline.Film. #frenchcountry #bluegreen #climbingvines #exterior #rusticfrench #frenchfarmhouse
Photo: Mariline.Film…hello lovely faded charm and climbing vines indeed.
Brene Brown inspirational quote about courage, wholeheartedness, and integrity on Hello Lovely Studio. #brenebrown #personalqrowth #quotes #couragequotes

Rustic Elegant French Tablescape

When you're after the softer side of autumn and a soothing color palette - tablescape by Design Enthusiasm. Serene French Farmhouse Fall Decor Photos ahead! #centerpiece #falltable #fallfloral #autumn #tabletop #Thanksgiving #pumpkins
Photo/Design: Design Enthusiasm – Fall centerpieces and tablescape ideas from inspiring bloggers…certainly charming indeed.
Funny humor quote about crazy on Hello Lovely Studio, #funnyquotes #whimsicalquotes
Simple lovely fall table Thanksiving tablescape idea with long wood board and mini pumpkins - Gwen Moss. #falltable #tabledecor #thanksgiving #tablescape
Gwen Moss always gets the rustic + elegant balance right…hello charming indeed.

French Country Pumpkins & Pinecones Centerpiece

Stunning and simple centerpiece by Edith & Evelyn. Serene French Farmhouse Fall Decor Photos ahead! #tablescape #centerpiece #autumn #falldecor #velvetpumpkin #frenchcountry
Photo/Design: Edith & Evelyn – Fall centerpieces and tablescape ideas from inspiring bloggers…certainly charming indeed.
Gorgeous and simple fall centerpiece with white pumpkins, roses, bittersweet and eucalyptus - Gwen Moss. #falltable #pumpkincenterpiece #thanksgiving #tabledecor
Gwen Moss

Inspiring Pastel French Color Palette

Beautiful fall tablescape with French Country style - Shabbyfufu. #frenchcountryfall
Photo/Design: Shabbyfufu – Fall centerpieces and tablescape ideas from inspiring bloggers…certainly charming indeed.
Inspirational quote about starting over on Hello Lovely Studio. #empowermentquote #encouragementquotes
Paris pastels in fall offer a breathtaking design moment with these pretty facades on a street in Paris! @Travelmindset #parisinfall #parispastels #romantichomes #houseexteriors #pastels #autumn
Who says pastels in autumn can't be a thing…@Travelmindset certainly makes a strong case.
White pumpkins and gourds on my kitchen counter in fall for a pastel vignette that expresses the softer side of autumn. #falldecor #pumpkins #autumninspiration #fallkitchen

Simple Farmhouse Florals

Simple and fresh from the backyard in fall - this charmingly sweet floral centerpiece in a vintage mason jar is a smile maker! The Cottage Journal. Serene French Farmhouse Fall Decor Photos ahead! #fallcenterpiece #countrydecor #autumn #florals #tablescape #simpleflowers
Photo/Design: The Cottage Journal – Pumpkins, Berries, and Simple Greenery for Inspiring Centerpieces and Fall Tablescapes…certainly dreamy!
Funny tweets and humor quotes on Hello Lovely Studio. #funnytweets #funnyquotes #humorquotes
Beautiful French farmhouse moment with market basket full of dried hydrangea in fall - A Rosy Note. #fallflorals #driedhyrdrangea #frenchfarmhouse #marketbasket
Gorgeous and simple fall centerpiece with white pumpkins, roses, bittersweet and eucalyptus - Gwen Moss. #falltable #pumpkincenterpiece #thanksgiving #tabledecor
Gorgeous fall in France image with climbing vines on a weathered facade with blue shutter. Mia Katva #frenchcountry #facade #houseexterior #frenchfall #autumninfrance #rusticfrench #frenchfarmhouse
Mia Katva showcases more climbing vines autumnal magic indeed.

Pale and Lovely Farmhouse Dining

Soothing, serene, and calm colors in this rustic elegant farmhouse style pumpkin centerpiece by The Painted Hinge. Serene French Farmhouse Fall Decor Photos ahead! #fallcenterpiece #frenchcountry #frenchfarmhouse #tablescape #autumndecor
Photo/Design: The Painted Hinge – Pumpkins, Berries, and Simple Greenery for Inspiring Centerpieces and Fall Tablescapes…certainly dreamy!
Funny tweets and humor quotes on Hello Lovely Studio. #funnytweets #funnyquotes #humorquotes

Fall Floral Bouquet

Fall florals with gorgeous warm autumn tones and simplicity? Photo by Pernila Ahlsen. Serene French Farmhouse Fall Decor Photos ahead! #fallbouquet #fallflowers #wedding #autumn
Photo: Pernila Ahlsen/Lovely Life Blog/Floral: Skillad Florals…certainly inspiring indeed.
Inspirational faith and grace quote by Bob Goff on Hello Lovely Studio. #faithquote #gracequote #inspirationalquotes #bobgoff #christianityquote
Quotes of encouragement to pin…certainly lovely indeed.

Green, White & Natural Serenity

A wonderful inspirational quote about endurance from Frida Kahlo on Hello Lovely Studio. #quotes #inspirational #fridakahlo 
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