How to prevent algae from your water tank

22 Apr

How to prevent algae growth in your water storage tank?

Water is an essential natural resource and therefore preserving safe water is imperative. As water storage is extremely important, so is maintaining a healthy and safe supply. Direct exposure to sunlight accelerates the growth of algae. In the case of overhead water storage tanks, this is a common issue faced especially during the summer when the tank is always exposed to direct sun.

Domestic water storage tanks need proper care. In order to prevent the growth of algae, there are certain precautions that need to be taken care of. To keep the water tank algae free, follow the simple steps mentioned below:

  1. Chemical treatments: You can fight algae growth in your water tanks by using bleach or chlorine. Bleach kills algae and prevents it from growing. The appropriate amount is ¼ teaspoon for every gallon of stored water. Chlorine will also kill algae and keep your water safe for drinking or irrigation purposes. Only a small amount is needed: 4 parts chlorine for every 1,000,000 parts water. If you opt for chemical treatment of your water, pay extra close attention to the proportions. Too much will make your water harmful for consumption, and too little will allow algae to continue growing.
  2. Tank Solutions: With the right tank, you can nip the problem of algae before it starts. When it comes to plastic water tanks, color matters! Algae grow when light is present. Opaque tanks block out sunlight completely, thus inhibiting the growth of algae in your water supply. The right color tank can make all the difference! Golden or black tanks will blend into their surroundings, giving both an aesthetic and practical benefit.
  3. Multi-stage filtration system: A multi-stage filtration system, especially with a UV filter, is one of the best ways to keep the water clean. As a rule, the more filters you have set up in your water tank, the cleaner the stored water will be.
  4. Clean the water tanks regularly: The top water tank suppliers in India recommend cleaning the tank regularly every three to six months in case of indirect sunlight. In the case of direct sunlight, cleaning should be done more often. Drain all water and give a good scrubbing to the tank. Use appropriate supplies to clean the tank and thoroughly rinse before you refill them. Do not forget to filter the tank after it is cleaned as it further helps in removing loose algae.
  5. Check your tanks: If you are not sure if your tanks are safe against algae growth, conduct a quick test by following these steps:
    • Position your tank in the sun.
    • Open the lid and check if sunlight is entering.
    • If there is a glow in the tank, the risk of algae growth is high.

    The solutions listed above can prevent any algae growth in water tanks, even if you store water over an extended period.

    Avoid trouble!

    Instead of using opaque or white water tanks, choose a dark color tanks, which inhibits algae growth by blocking sunlight. Sheetal Tanks is one of the best water tank manufacturers in India offering high-quality tanks at industry leading prices. Contact today at 7861012800 and keep your algae scrubbing woes away!