
What Can We Do To Help The Wolverine Animal

The claiming

Wolverines were in one case found across much of southern Canada, but a combination of over harvest and habitat loss has left them inhabiting only largely inaccessible northern and alpine areas.  Wolverines are slow to reproduce and accept large territories, which makes them especially vulnerable to habitat loss and disturbance from resources-extraction activities. Keeping wild areas intact is therefore of vital importance to wolverines.

Wolverines are both predators and scavengers with sharp teeth and powerful jaws enabling them to gnaw and tear through frozen meat and bones. With their thick, frost-resistant coat and large, snowshoe-like feet, wolverines are ideally adapted to live in northern environments. But these traits also make them vulnerable to climate alter, especially a lack of deep snow cover for insulating dens.

Wolverines, similar caribou, are an first-class indicator of the general health of wild ecosystems.  Because they need large areas of intact habitat, wolverine presence tells us that a wild area remains big and connected, vital attributes for helping wildlife adapt to climate change.

What we are doing and why

We are working to improve our understanding of where wolverines are in Ontario, whether their range is expanding or contracting, and factors that touch their survival, such as roads and resource development, including forest management.  This information will aid usa to provide input into land-use and protected areas planning as well as for woods management plans and give usa insights into the status of wolverine recovery in Ontario, with the goal of keeping this elusive species a good for you role of our wild landscapes.

The Ontario Northern Boreal is home to the easternmost population of wolverines in North America. WCS Canada led a seven-winter survey effort to better understand where wolverine are – and aren't -- in the region. WCS Canada besides led a wolverine radiotelemetry study in Red Lake, Ontario from 2003-2005 and was a major partner in a similar wolverine radiotelemetry study in northern Alberta from 2013-2016.

These studies highlighted the need to limit industrial activeness and infrastructure in core wolverine habitat.  Wolverines take a reputation as clever scavengers who volition take advantage of cached supplies or other human being-made opportunities, simply roads, in particular, make them highly vulnerable to predators such as wolves.

Continuing with this work will help us build a better picture of the conditions wolverines need to survive -- and thrive -- likewise every bit improving our knowledge of where these conditions still exist and what can be done to maintain them.

Our strategies

To build on the noesis we developed about wolverines in northern Ontario, we are repeating the radiotelemetry work that was conducted in Scarlet Lake, Ontario. This new research is helping us understand whether wolverines are recovering in the region as well equally the bear on of roads and forestry operations on wolverine habitat choices, movements and survival.  We are particularly interested in female wolverine habitat needs and their reproductive success, which is vital to the survival of the species.  And we are looking to see if wolverines will eventually aggrandize their presence eastward into Quebec. In the first winter of work, we tracked a young male and a lactating female (live trapped and so fitted with GPS collars) for a number of months.  The male journeyed into Manitoba so dorsum into Ontario during his wide-ranging travels.  Meanwhile, we tracked the female to a den – only the second such den ever located in Ontario.Wolverines are an often misunderstood animal, with a largely undeserved reputation for being fearsome predators.  We are working to assistance people learn more about these fascinating and clever creatures through public education efforts.
Nosotros are working directly with fur harvesters to help track wolverine action in the remote Ontario Northern Boreal. Ethnic traditional knowledge about the creature has been valuable for understanding how current conditions may differ from the past and how wolverines are faring today and we are honoured to work with these communities to advance our understanding of these elusive creatures.

Latest news

  • The Red Lake Wolverine Project Field Written report 2019/2020 is out! Observe information technology here.
  • WCS Canada scientist, Dr. Matt Scrafford talks about wolverine family dynamics in this piece for Canadian Geographic.
  • Nosotros describe the incredible behaviours of wolverines, and the lengths nosotros're going to to save them in a new visual story map.
  • Tracking wolverines is no piece of cake feat. Dr. Matt Scrafford talks about his unlikely allies in researching wolverines in the Ontario Northern Boreal in this new Muddied Boots blog.
  • Searching for wolverines in a vast northern wilderness.  Our Chief Scientist, Dr. Justina Ray, explains how a team of researchers spent seven winters flying for thousands of hours across the Ontario Northern Boreal in search of signs of elusive wolverines – and why.
  • Why won't wolverines cross the road?  This web log based on piece of work by WCS Canada wolverine expert Matt Scrafford in Alberta explains what scientists have learned well-nigh how wolverines react to roads in their territories.


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